GBP to BHD - convert British pounds to Bahraini dinars

Find out everything you need to know about the latest exchange rates between the Bahraini dinar and the British pound, and how to convert your GBP to BHD.

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How to convert British pounds to Bahraini dinars

Get your travel money quickly, easily, and securely.

  1. Type in your amount

    Type in your amount

    The calculator will be automatically set to BHD. Enter your amount in either GBP or BHD.
  2. Calculate your conversion

    Calculate your conversion

    Review and adjust the conversion amounts as required.
  3. Order your currency

    Order your currency

    Once you are happy with your quote, order BHD for home delivery or click & collect.

GBP to BHD exchange rate

Explore historical GBP to BHD exchange rates.

Last month

Date Exchange rates last updated Tuesday, 25 June 2024 08:25:05 BST.

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Explore more information on Bahraini dinars

Discover how to get your Bahraini dinars with ease and learn more about the currency.

Convert GBP to BHD

Check out our Bahraini dinar currency conversion table to see a quick snapshot of how far your travel money will go.

Convert British pounds to Bahraini dinars


Convert Bahraini dinars to British pounds


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  • 1 Lock in exchange rates means that customers can review and reserve exchange rates at their discretion, by purchasing travel money in advance. Any additional purchases will be subject to the prevailing exchange rate at the time of each new transaction.
  • Exchange rates displayed on this page are subject to market fluctuations. The exchange rate applied to your order will be clearly displayed at the time of purchase. For calculation purposes, including trend graphs and conversion tables, we use our consumer sell rate for our cash product. Please note that rates can vary, and the final rate applied will be confirmed when you place your order.